which laptops are better hp or dell


This article reviews the specs of HP and Dell laptops, and goes in-depth on why one is better than the other. It then recommends one to buy. Here are some of the things reviewed:

Is it better to purchase an HP or Dell laptop? What is the difference between them?

HP laptops come with longer battery life, a smaller size, along with HP's patented fingerprint reader. However, some people will find Dell's bigger screen more appealing than an HP laptop. Moreover, while Dell laptops can sometimes be cheaper than their rivals from HP and Apple, they may not appeal as much to gamers as those from MSI or Razer due to less powerful graphics cards found in some models.

I will lay it out the best way to choose which one.

Asus VivoBook 15 Laptop X515MA-BR001W Celeron|N4020|4 GB|1 TB HDD|15.6 inch|W11H|INT|Silver

Image source: https://www.tatacliq.com/

Here is a summary of what I will cover: What are the differences between HP and Dell laptops? How do they compare against Apple and Acer laptops? Which is better: a more expensive HP notebook or a cheaper Dell Positivo One? What about Acer laptops? What about other models from Asus, Lenovo, Toshiba, or Samsung? Which laptop should you buy based on these comparisons? [Summary] How do you choose which laptop to buy? [TL;DR] [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]

Note: This article is written from my personal experience. I am not a laptop expert. The information in this article should be used as knowledge, not copied verbatim.

You may be wondering why I chose HP and Dell to compare against each other. The reason for this is because one of my friends was about to buy a laptop, and he wanted me to look up some information online for him to help him decide which one he should go with. Since I had used computers from both HP and Dell before, I came up with the idea of comparing these two brands against each other on a more detailed level than just stating which one is better or worse. Therefore, in this article I will be comparing HP laptops against Dell laptops using the most popular models that they produce as examples.

Note: This article is a bit lengthy, so you may want to bookmark this page to come back to it later. Before we begin, here are some of the things that will be covered:

HP vs Dell – What's the Difference?

The main difference between HP and Dell laptops is:


Image source: https://www.istockphoto.com/

– Design and size. The design of HP laptops is sleeker than Dell's although this does not translate into practicality. In fact, despite feeling slightly more premium than its rival from Dell, a lot of people actually find the design of most current HP models to be less handy than their cheap counterparts from Dell with fewer overall ports. However, because the newer models of HP laptops come with fingerprint readers, they are more secure than their rivals from Dell.

– Battery life. The battery life of an HP laptop is longer than an equivalent Dell laptop. This is because their batteries last longer, not because their processors consume less power. Both companies use low powered processors that do not consume a lot of power; therefore, the batteries should last about the same amount of time for both brands when used for approximately the same tasks (web browsing and streaming video).

– Some models from HP can be sleeker and more lightweight than their equivalent Dell models thanks to its better design (although this does not always apply).


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